Become who GOD designed YOU to be!
coming summer 2021
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Are you living the life for which you were created?
Feeling stressed or overwhelmed with life?
Questioning your gifting or purpose?
Wanting more, but unsure of the next step?

If you said yes to the questions above, then our Coaching & Mentoring Initiative may be right for you.
At GTS Life we help you identify your gifting and purpose using a spiritual gift assessment. This tool guides us as we work together to develop better ways to actively grow as a person, thrive in your purpose, and serve those around you.
Our Coaching & Mentoring is designed to help you learn more about yourself. Keith Webb defines coaching as, “. . , an ongoing intentional conversation that empowers a person or group to fully live out God’s calling.” That is what our Coaching & Mentoring Initiative is designed to do.
A message from Caleb:
“Every one of our conversations is designed for you to take the next step and discover more of who you are in God and how to reach your desired outcome. My prayer for each session is for our conversations to be Spirit led and guided by Him. I want to empower you to be the best you can be in the Lord and support and encourage you in your journey. I’m here to listen, ask questions and pray with you.”
Life is too short and you are too vital in God’s plan to play it safe. Let’s Grow, Thrive and Serve together so YOU can live an extraordinary life!
How It Works
1. Email us at caleb@gtslife.org. Tell us a little about yourself in a brief bio.
3. My goal is to serve you. Based upon the information you provide, I will see if I'm a good fit for you.
2. Answer the following question:
What would you like to discuss or discover in our coaching/mentor session?
4. Next, we will discuss our Coaching/Mentoring packages and select the one that will serve you best.
5. Once a package is selected, we will schedule a time for you to take a spiritual gifts assessment and schedule our first session. The spiritual gifts assessment will help you discover more of your giftedness and will help guide our conversation together. I look forward to hearing from you!
Caleb exhibits a rare blend of being able to listen well and connect with people emotionally, while at the same time being able to stay focused on what the person may be needing or missing in their life to actualize their potential. He is able to connect cross-culturally and adapt various coaching styles and strategies to meet the needs of whoever he is working with, whether it is an individual, a couple, or a group of people. Caleb’s unique coaching model balances both the practical aspects of life without neglecting the deeper, underlying patterns and sources of what might be standing in the way of a person going from surviving to thriving. I have personally benefited from his wisdom and guidance and I have been able to see how his coaching has assisted others, specifically missionaries in training, in their personal, professional, and spiritual growth.
What are the people saying?
I have personally benefited from his wisdom and guidance and I have been able to see how his coaching has assisted others, specifically missionaries in training, in their personal, professional, and spiritual growth.
I know for a fact that I am a better person because of the many ways Caleb has impacted my life. I feel more confident, motivated, and grounded in what I do and why I do it.
Caleb has a gift for helping people be the best version of themselves they can be. Coaching and mentoring other IS his purpose in life and he was already doing this long before it became his profession.