We provide biblical wisdom and encouragement to assist you on your journey to Grow in your gifts, Thrive in your purpose, and Serve those around you.
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SD Cards
Did you know an estimated 1 billion adults are considered illiterate?
In addition, 60% of the world’s population is considered oral learners meaning their preferred learning mode is oral, not written.
As of 2020, only 65% of the world’s population has access to the internet. Meaning roughly one out of three people in the world do not have online access to spiritual information and digital Bibles.
Imagine growing up in a life in which you had never seen a copy of the Holy Bible or heard the Good News that Jesus offers to all people . . . because to do so would most likely result in shame, persecution, and possibly death. Later in life, you befriend a small group of kind people, who eventually share that they are believers in Jesus Christ and how their lives have been transformed since becoming a disciple of Him. Being a believer and owning a copy of the Bible is still an enormous risk. However, your friends share with you that they have been able to listen to the Word of God in their own language through a small MicroSD card that fits right into their phone and they share one of those with you. You now own a copy of the Holy Bible right on your phone in a mode that is discreet, portable, and easy to share with people with whom you want to share the Good News.
For this scenario to become a reality for hundreds of thousands of people, GTS Life invites prayer partners and financial partners who are willing to join in this ministry of putting a copy of the Bible into the hands of people who may have never had this opportunity before.
At GTS Life, we desire for all people to have access to the Word of God, whether they have been unable to due to facing oppression, illiteracy, or the lack of access to the internet.
For $100, you can make a difference in the lives of four individuals. Your $100 gift will provide them with a MicroSD card containing an oral copy of the Bible and Jesus video in their heart language.
More coming soon
More teaching tools that are currently under development

Five Minute Videos