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From Skeptic to Believer: A Journey of Faith

Six years ago, before GTS Life was founded, I met Matt, an 18-year-old skeptical of God. His father had left when he was 11, leaving his mother to struggle to put food on the table. She did everything she could to support them, including working several jobs. Although a Christian, she couldn’t attend church regularly due to her demanding work schedule and the closest church being an hour away. Despite her best efforts to introduce Matt to God, he never showed much interest.

Matt and I stayed in contact after our first encounter at a young adult retreat. Over the next few years, GTS Life was created, and Matt attended four more of our events focused on Identity and Spiritual Gifts. He even brought friends with him a couple of times. During our sessions, Matt occasionally chimed in, offering thoughtful answers to my questions, often followed by deep soul-searching questions and dialogue that continued after class. This God, whom he didn’t show much interest in, soon became a source of curiosity. It’s as though a light bulb turned on within Matt as he slowly began to grasp his true identity as a child of the King who was made in the image of God, filled with gifts and abilities to be used to make a difference.

Matt’s mom, whom I had never met, noticed a shift in Matt. He initiated conversations with her about God and asked questions to learn more. His spirit was happier, too, and he had a growing desire to serve people in his community. This once shy and reserved young man was falling in love with Jesus!

Last year, right after expressing his desire to be baptized, Matt told me, “I want to share the love of Jesus with my community, friends, and family. Maybe one day I will start a house church.” Glory to God! The Lord used many people over the years to come alongside Matt. This beautiful village shared the gospel with him, loved him, and served him with the hands and feet of Jesus. I met Matt’s mother for the first time at his baptism. It was a sweet moment watching her witness her son give his life to Jesus. As she wept joyfully, I couldn’t help but imagine how our heavenly Father felt watching his son come home.

Matt’s faith journey isn’t much different from anyone else’s. It’s filled with amazing people who, in their own way, introduced you to Jesus. They converted Jesus from just a story to a real person. They showed you His unconditional love, boundless grace, unending joy, unshakable faithfulness, vast forgiveness, and eternal salvation. I’m sure you can think of a few people, if not several, the Lord used to bring you to Him and how thankful you are to them for taking the time to plant the seed.

Please, my friend, keep being a seed scatterer. Scatter seeds of faith and love because you never know how the Lord will use them or whose story you are impacting. Just as Matt’s mom beamed with joy, the Lord looks down with similar pride as He sees you being His hands and feet.

Scatter the seeds, and God will do the rest!

“So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth.” 1 Corinthians 3:7 (ESV)

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